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(5 projects, 3 years 3 months)
My first job out of University, ECONZ was a great environment to work and learn in. ECONZ supplied wireless dispatch management systems to their customers. The role involved designing and implementing the Java applications and web sites that were used for creating and dispatching jobs to users in the field. The core technologies involved were Swing and Struts.
(1 project, 3 months)
After struggling with the currency rate in the UK and my greatly reduced saving after travelling for 5 months I managed to land a job at Partygaming working on inhouse tools that sounded promising. Unfortunately a few weeks after I started the US introduced legaslation against online gambling that meant Partygaming decided to reduce their staff levels significantly and mine was one of the roles to go. They actually treated me incredibly well, keeping me employed long enough to qualify for a full redundancy payout rather than letting me go immediately.
(3 projects, 1 year 8 months)
My first proper role in the UK was working for a small consultancy called Conexus. At the time they specialised in ATG and IBM technologies and I was originally employed with the intention for me to work with IBM's Webshpere Product Center for which I was sent on a course. Unfortunately there didn't seem to be any work in WPC and as I wasn't in a position to leave I took the opportunity to read the ATG documentation over before eventually being sent on the training course
(16 projects, 6 years 10 months)
I’ve worked with Spindrift as an independent consultant over the last few years on a number of projects. The most rewarding work during this time has been helping create Site Builder and Momentum. I have been involved in the design and implementation of multiple aspects of the products over the last few years.
Greenstage Power
(2 projects, 3 months)
Greenstage Power provides services in the electricity sector with specific focus on distributed generation, monitoring and Smart Grid solutions. I worked briefly on PoC but the customers chose a more proven solution so my involvement has been pretty limited.
Ecogy Energy
(1 project, 6 years 7 months)
Ecogy Energy is a New York based investor in Solar projects. I was brought on through Greenstage to create an Asset Management System that builds on top of SolarNetwork to help manage the Solar installations that Ecogy manage.
ATG Search
AWS API Gateway
AWS CloudFront
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodePipeline
AWS Cognito
AWS DynamoDB
AWS Lambda
AWS Route53
AWS SimpleDB
Apache Camel
Spindrift Momentum
Spindrift Site Builder
University of Canterbury
(01/1999 to 12/1999, 12 months)
Duration: 01/1999 to 12/1999, 12 months
I started a B.Sc. Computer Science at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch but only completed a year before deciding that I wanted to try something else.
(01/2000 to 12/2000, 12 months)
Duration: 01/2000 to 12/2000, 12 months
My first experience with University hadn't been quite what I wanted so I took some time out to explore my options a bit more. Not being qualified and having no money I saved up just enough for a flight to the UK and spent the year there working in pubs and travelling around Europe when I could. A great time in my life but enough to convince me that returning to University and completing my degree was what I wanted to do.
University of Otago
(01/2001 to 12/2002, 24 months)
Duration: 01/2001 to 12/2002, 24 months
On returning to NZ I completed my B.Sc. Computer Science at the University of Otago in Dunedin.
(01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months)
Client: Carter Holt Harvey Forests
Duration: 01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months
Wood Delivery Management System was a Java Swing based application for Carter Holt Harvey Forests. This system had already been developed when I joined ECONZ but there were ongoing improvements being made to it that I was involved with as well providing support.
Skills: J2SE, Swing, CORBA
Downers Australia
(01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months)
Client: Downer Engineering Australia
Duration: 01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months
The Management System was a Java Swing based application that enabled Downers to sent jobs to technicians in the field. This was a new project and the first that I was properly involved in the development of.
Skills: J2SE, Swing, CORBA
Downers NZ
(01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months)
Client: Downer Engineering NZ
Duration: 01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months
The Management System was a Java Swing based application that enabled Downers to sent jobs to technicians in the field. This system had already been developed when I joined ECONZ and I was involved primarily in a support role.
Skills: J2SE, Swing, CORBA
(01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months)
Client: ECONZ
Duration: 01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months
Mobile job management system with a web management front end. This was ECONZ's foray into providing their own service and was aimed at the SME market. It allowed small companies to send jobs to employees out in the field who were using a J2ME applications on their phones to record progress.
Skills: J2EE, Struts, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CORBA
(01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months)
Client: ECONZ
Duration: 01/2003 to 03/2006, 39 months
Mobile timecard system with a web management system. Almost a simplified version of EService, TimeCard allowed employees to record when they were on the clock using a simple J2ME application on the phone. The web application provided reports and management tools based on the statistics that were recorded.
Skills: J2EE, Struts, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CORBA
South and Central America
(03/2006 to 09/2006, 7 months)
Duration: 03/2006 to 09/2006, 7 months
After three years at ECONZ I wanted to see a bit more of the world. My sister convinced me to volunteer planting trees in the Amazon rain forest in Ecuador for a couple of months after which I travelled North through Central America before flying on to the UK from Mexico.
Translation Tool
(10/2006 to 12/2006, 3 months)
Client: Partygaming
Duration: 10/2006 to 12/2006, 3 months
A simple translation tool that was made available via Java Web Start and then modified an existing Swing application for the company's needs.
Skills: J2SE, Swing
Internal Conexus Projects
(12/2006 to 05/2007, 6 months)
Client: Conexus
Duration: 12/2006 to 05/2007, 6 months
While waiting for a project I filled up my time working on internal Conexus projects and reading the ATG documentation. It wasn't a particularly motivating or stimulating period. The projects included moving the Conexus website from a Windows environment to CentOS and a DB2 database and adding administrative functionality to the website.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Linux
(05/2007 to 08/2007, 4 months)
Client: Kingfisher
Duration: 05/2007 to 08/2007, 4 months
My first official ATG project involved creating Reserve & Collect orders and sending email notifications to the stores and users when placed.
Skills: ATG, J2SE, J2EE
Premier Farnell
(08/2007 to 05/2008, 10 months)
Client: Premier Farnell
Duration: 08/2007 to 05/2008, 10 months
This was an ATG B2B (Business to Business) eCommerce project. The role involved working from an FRS and designing and implementing solutions to meet those requirements. This included close contact with the business for clarifications and changes to the requirements. It involved significant changes to the approval pipeline to support the approval chain that the business required.
Skills: ATG, ATG B2B, J2SE, J2EE
(05/2008 to 12/2008, 8 months)
Client: Figleaves
Duration: 05/2008 to 12/2008, 8 months
Figleaves was my first project as an independent contractor and I worked on the design and implementation of the User Profile and Search functionality of the new site.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, J2SE, J2EE, ATG Search
Shop Direct Group
(01/2009 to 05/2009, 5 months)
Client: Shop Direct Group
Duration: 01/2009 to 05/2009, 5 months
SDG were re-platforming to ATG and I was brought in by Spindrift as an ATG developer to work on the project. The areas I was involved in were primarily working on the precursor to Site Builder, integrating the Endeca search engine and Coremetrics Analytics.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Endeca, Coremetrics, SEO
Spindrift Site Builder 1
(06/2009 to 07/2009, 2 months)
Client: Tesco
Duration: 06/2009 to 07/2009, 2 months
The first version of Site Builder was created by a core team of three developers. In just over a month we took a bunch of ideas from previous projects and created a product that was successfully delivered to Tesco.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Linux, Git, Oracle, MySQL, Weblogic, JBoss, Gradle
(07/2009 to 09/2009, 3 months)
Duration: 07/2009 to 09/2009, 3 months
Three months overlanding through Africa from Cape Town up to Uganda and Rwanda. Awesome time.
Spindrift Site Builder 2
(10/2009 to 11/2009, 2 months)
Client: Spindrift
Duration: 10/2009 to 11/2009, 2 months
Based in Utrecht, version 2.0 was a considerable investment by Spindrift that introduced a lot of new functionality. I was again responsible for the design and implementation of multiple aspects of the product.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, SEO, Linux, Git, Oracle, MySQL, Weblogic, JBoss, Gradle
South East Asia
(12/2009 to 03/2010, 4 months)
Duration: 12/2009 to 03/2010, 4 months
Three months through South East Asia covering Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the Phillipines.
Spindrift Site Builder Tracking Module
(04/2010 to 07/2010, 4 months)
Client: Tesco
Duration: 04/2010 to 07/2010, 4 months
Created a new Site Builder Tracking module for Tesco, as well as working on new functionality for Site Builder 2.2.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Oracle, MySQL
(08/2010 to 09/2010, 2 months)
Duration: 08/2010 to 09/2010, 2 months
Few weeks seeing a bit more of Europe.
Tesco UX
(09/2010 to 01/2011, 5 months)
Client: Tesco
Duration: 09/2010 to 01/2011, 5 months
The UX project was a rewrite of the front end application that had been created by a third party for the Tesco re-platform, to make better use of Site Builder and the functionality it offered. This was a short and sweet project run in conjunction with LBi to get a modern web application ready for release.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder
(02/2011 to 05/2011, 4 months)
Client: El Corte Ingles
Duration: 02/2011 to 05/2011, 4 months
Spindrift’s first engagement with ECI was a piece of work to develop an ETL solution to improve the import of the product catalog from IBM WPC into ATG. This involved customisations to make the catalog read only in the BCC, a BCC application to manage the imports from WPC and an ETL solution to transform and import the WPC into the ATG Product Catalog Repository.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Oracle
Site Builder 3
(06/2011 to 08/2011, 3 months)
Client: Spindrift
Duration: 06/2011 to 08/2011, 3 months
This involved updating the product to work with ATG 10 - which introduced ATG multisite - as well as having a chance to improve the core product and add new functionality.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Linux, Gradle, Git, Oracle, MySQL, Weblogic, JBoss
(09/2011 to 10/2011, 2 months)
Client: Greenstage Power
Duration: 09/2011 to 10/2011, 2 months
I worked on developing functionality for the open source SolarNetwork framework. I created an HTML5 front end for the ADR that used a JSON interface to communicate with the SolarNetwork back end. The framework used was Spring and the logic was mainly implemented in JavaScript using jQuery.
Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spring, OSGI, PostgreSQL
(11/2011 to 12/2011, 2 months)
Client: DTAG
Duration: 11/2011 to 12/2011, 2 months
Worked on a PoC for DTAG using SiteBuilder and ATG.
Skills: ATG, ATG Search, HTML, CSS, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Oracle, MySQL, Git
(01/2012 to 02/2012, 2 months)
Duration: 01/2012 to 02/2012, 2 months
After five years I decided to check out NZ a bit more. This would end up in me moving back to NZ for over a year but still working remotely for Spindrift in the UK.
(03/2012 to 06/2013, 16 months)
Client: Spindrift
Duration: 03/2012 to 06/2013, 16 months
Momentum is an ATG accelerator that Spindrift has put together based on years of client solutions and sitting on top of Site Builder. It's involved extensions to Spindrift Site Builder as well the development of the core product. I've been responsible for the design and implementation of numerous aspects of the product including: the Endeca integration, data management, Spindrift Site Builder block library extensions.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Endeca, Linux, Gradle, Spindrift Momentum, Git, Oracle, MySQL, Weblogic, JBoss
Trans Mongolian
(06/2013 to 08/2013, 3 months)
Duration: 06/2013 to 08/2013, 3 months
Working remotely became too much for me as I felt as I was loosing contact with the project and my colleagues. So I made the decision to head back to the UK, taking the opportunity to check out the Trans Mongolian and Ireland on the way back.
ECI Platform Refresh
(09/2013 to 02/2014, 6 months)
Client: El Corte Ingles
Duration: 09/2013 to 02/2014, 6 months
The ECI platform refresh was the first client project to make use of Momentum and a lot of the product was developed in tandem with the project. Almost all my time on this project was spent developing the Momentum platform and ensuring that it was kept generic for use on other projects in the future.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Endeca, Spindrift Momentum, Weblogic, Groovy, Oracle
Japan, Scandanavia, Morocco, Rota Vicentina
(02/2014 to 08/2014, 7 months)
Duration: 02/2014 to 08/2014, 7 months
I hit my limit for eCommerce projects and have decided to take some time out to travel and give myself to try out some other opportunities. I made it to Japan, had a two month road trip with a mate around Scandinavia then a bit of Cornwall, Canary Islands, Morocco and lastly a hike along the Rota Vicentina in Portugal.
Canon Europe
(09/2014 to 08/2015, 12 months)
Client: Canon Europe
Duration: 09/2014 to 08/2015, 12 months
I joined this project to create Canon Europe’s eCommerce platform using Spindrift Momentum and Oracle Commerce during the discovery phase, where I was involved in assessing their existing capability and how it would fit into the ATG platform. Being the key developer of Spindrift Site Builder my first task was to customise the JSPs and blocks to work with the Canon customised Build Kit and extend the data model to support the Canon requirements. During this phase I worked primarily with the BAs to understand the requirements and with the UX team to refine the HTML and JavaScript to fit into the Site Builder assembled JSPs. I worked on a number of integrations while at Canon including: Canon eCRM: integrating Canon’s user management system by extending the form handlers to interact with the RESTful API provided by Canon. SDL Translations: building a BCC application that used a RESTful interface supplied by SDL to send ATG Repository content (including Product Catalog and Site Builder content) to SDL for translation, then importing the results into a BCC project where they could be reviewed then deployed using the ATG workflow to the staging and product systems.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Endeca, Spindrift Momentum, Oracle, JBoss, Git
Cuba, Belize, Everest Base Camp, India
(09/2015 to 12/2015, 4 months)
Duration: 09/2015 to 12/2015, 4 months
A month in Cuba and Belize before hiking to Everest Base Camp in Nepal then a couple of months through India.
Canon Europe
(01/2016 to 07/2016, 7 months)
Client: Canon Europe
Duration: 01/2016 to 07/2016, 7 months
I worked on a number of integrations while back at Canon including: PIM: adding extensions to the data import platform I’d developed in Spindrift Momentum to import the product catalog from the PIM platform that Canon selected. eBay: development of a framework using Apache Camel to integrate with the eBay product feed.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Endeca, Spindrift Momentum, Apache Camel, Oracle, JBoss, Git
North America, Antarctica
(08/2016 to 11/2016, 4 months)
Duration: 08/2016 to 11/2016, 4 months
Two months travelling across North America before a three week trip to the Falklands, South Georgia Islands and Antartica then NZ for Xmas.
Coursera - Machine Learning
(12/2016 to 12/2016, 1 months)
Duration: 12/2016 to 12/2016, 1 months
Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera
AWS Certified Developer - Associate
(01/2017 to 01/2017, 1 months)
Duration: 01/2017 to 01/2017, 1 months
AWS Certified Developer - Associate
(02/2017 to 02/2017, 1 months)
Duration: 02/2017 to 02/2017, 1 months
A few weeks up Australias East Coast betwen certifications.
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
(03/2017 to 03/2017, 1 months)
Duration: 03/2017 to 03/2017, 1 months
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
Canon Europe
(04/2017 to 04/2017, 1 months)
Client: Canon Europe
Duration: 04/2017 to 04/2017, 1 months
Small project working on a RFP for integrating Momentum with Canons CMS.
Skills: ATG, Spindrift Site Builder, Spindrift Momentum
Site Builder 4.0
(05/2017 to 07/2017, 3 months)
Client: Spindrift
Duration: 05/2017 to 07/2017, 3 months
Work on getting Site Builder 3.6 and 4.0 ready for release.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Gradle, Spindrift Momentum, Git, Oracle, MySQL, Weblogic, JBoss
Kingfisher Site Builder Upgrade
(08/2017 to 09/2017, 2 months)
Client: Kingfisher
Duration: 08/2017 to 09/2017, 2 months
Upgraded the Kingfisher code base (including Tradepoint and B&Q) from Site Builder 2 to Site Builder 3.5.
Skills: ATG, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J2SE, J2EE, Spindrift Site Builder, Oracle, JBoss
South America
(10/2017 to 11/2017, 2 months)
Duration: 10/2017 to 11/2017, 2 months
Fun trip from Rio in Brazil to Lima in Peru.
(12/2017 to 12/2017, 1 months)
Client: Greenstage Power
Duration: 12/2017 to 12/2017, 1 months
Some small pieces of work including updating the development environment and working on node plugins for a CSI KTL inverter and a battery pack.
Skills: J2SE, OSGI, PostgreSQL
South East Asia
(01/2018 to 02/2018, 2 months)
Duration: 01/2018 to 02/2018, 2 months
Travelling around South East Asia (Myanmar, Borneo) while waiting for the Ecogy Energy project to kick off.
Coursera -
(03/2018 to 03/2018, 1 months)
Duration: 03/2018 to 03/2018, 1 months certifications
Ecogy Energy
(04/2018 to , 79 months)
Client: Ecogy Energy
Duration: 04/2018 to , 79 months
Designing and developing an Asset Management platform for Ecogy Energy that utilises SolarNetwork and other third party servives. It's built entirely on AWS with a ReactJS SPA talking to an API deployed using API Gateway backed by Lambda functions that interact with third party services and other AWS products.
Skills: AWS, Serverless, AWS DynamoDB, AWS SimpleDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, AWS S3, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, AWS Route53, AWS CloudFront, Git, ReactJS, NodesJS, REST, HTML, CSS, JavaScript